(2) With regard to the use of the name-board, there will be no
bar to putting up a name-board in the place of residence
of a member with the designation of Chartered Accountant,
provided it is a nameplate or a name-board of an individual
member and not of the Firm.
(3) The requirement of Section 27 in regard to a member being
in charge of an office of a Chartered Accountant in practice
or a firm of such Chartered Accountants shall be satisfied
only if the member is actively associated with such an office.
Such association shall be deemed to exist if the member
resides in the place where the office is situated for a period
of not less than 182 days in a year or if he attends the said
office for a period of not less than 182 days in a year or in
such other circumstances as, in the opinion of the Executive
Committee, establish a such active association.
(4) In view of the Council’s decision so, the exemption is
granted under proviso to Section 27(1) of the Chartered
Accountants Act, 1949 to a member or a firm of Chartered
Accountants in practice to have a second office without
such second office being under the separate charge of a
member of the Institute, provided (a) the second office is
located in the same premises, in which the first office is
located or (b) the second office is located in the same city,
in which the first office is located or (c) the second office is
located within a distance of 50 km. from the municipal limits
of a city, in which the first office is located. A member
having two offices of the type referred to above shall have
to declare, which of the two offices is his main office, which
would constitute his professional address.